Economic Comparison: India vs South Africa

Economic Comparison: India vs South Africa

A comprehensive analysis comparing key economic indicators between India and South Africa. Visualizes trends in GDP, employment, trade relations, and living standards using interactive dashboards and data-driven insights.

PythonData AnalysisEconomic Analysis
8 December 202410 minutes
Cape Town Quality of Life Index

Cape Town Quality of Life Index

Developed a comprehensive model to identify optimal living areas in Cape Town by creating a quality of life index. Combined census data with real-time traffic information to analyze and visualize neighborhood livability scores.

PythonPowerBIPandasData Science
26 May 20248 minutes
ObsCan Feed You - NGO Website

ObsCan Feed You - NGO Website

Created and deployed a website for ObsCanFeedYou charity to track and visualize the number of homeless people fed weekly. Implemented an automated data collection system using WhatsApp API and built interactive dashboards for data visualization.

ReactNext.jsWhatsApp APIDatabase
7 November 20245 minutes
Papermoon Library Assistant

Papermoon Library Assistant

Built an AI-powered library management system that uses computer vision to scan bookshelves and automatically catalog books. Integrates with Google Vision OCR and Google Books API to create a structured database from bookshelf images.

Next.jsReactComputer VisionGoogle CloudChatGPT API
31 December 20246 minutes
ML Journey: From Accountant to ML Engineer

ML Journey: From Accountant to ML Engineer

A comprehensive guide documenting my journey from an accountant with no computer science background to completing my first machine learning project. Includes detailed notes, practical examples, and learning resources for understanding ML fundamentals.

PythonMachine LearningData ScienceNeural Networks
3 October 202420 minutes